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“Expert immigration visa advice”
Contact to book your consultation
07 5442 0000

COVID 19 and migration matter

The migration activity in Australia has been heavily affected by the global pandemic COVID-19.

It has also been reported that there are thousands of unsuccessful travel exemption applications during this period of COVID-19. This has resulted to frustrations and disappointments of Australian citizens and permanents residents as they cannot reunite with their family members.

Furthermore, there are temporary resident visa holders in Australia that cannot return to their home country due to different travel restrictions around the world caused by COVID-19. As a result, most non-residents are unsure of what to do next to remain lawfully in Australia.

Moreover, there are different critical sectors in Australia that have been financially affected by COVID-19. As a result, the Australian government allows non-residents to temporarily work full-time in these critical sectors during this pandemic.

Regardless of how COVID-19 affected your migration activity in Australia, our team in Sunshine Migration Group can assist you.

Applying for travel exemptions

There are members of family unit of Australian citizens and permanent residents that are unable to enter Australia due to travel restrictions applied by the Australian government. Additionally, there are Australian citizens and permanent residents that are unable to exit Australia due to COVID-19.

Our team in Sunshine Migration Group understands the frustrations and disappointments of Australian citizens and permanents residents due to the different travel restrictions in Australia.

The team in Sunshine Migration Group can help you in applying for travel exemptions whether you intend to enter or exit Australia. Our service includes:

  • Evaluating your current immigration circumstances
  • Preparing and submitting your travel exemption application
  • Liaising with the Australian Border Force (ABF)
Working in a critical sector

If you are working in a critical sector in Australia, you may apply for Subclass 408 Temporary Activity – Australian Government endorsed events (COVID-19 Pandemic event). These are the industry considered as critical sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Agriculture
  • Food processing
  • Health care
  • Aged care
  • Disability care
  • Child care
  • Tourism and hospitality

Our team in Sunshine Migration Group can evaluate your eligibility for this visa and assist you to apply for this visa.

Unable to leave Australia

The Department of Home Affairs is encouraging temporary visa holders to leave Australia if their current visa will expire soon.

If your current visa is expiring soon or have expired but you are unable to leave Australia due to COVID-19, you must apply for a visa to remain lawfully in Australia.

Our team in Sunshine Migration Group can assist you on what visa to apply for if you are unable to leave Australia due to COVID-19 before your current visa expires.

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    Sunshine Migration Law Group
    Level 1, 25 Duporth Avenue
    Maroochydore QLD 4558
    07 5442 0000

    Office Hours
    Our office hours are:
    Monday - Friday: 
    8:30am - 5:00pm